Friday, October 30, 2009



For this route I shall be using the adventure cycling association routes and maps (see map above)

These to me our outstanding guides and rely on the members /anybody to keep them up to date by sending in ammendments.

There our essentially three major routes across 1. Southern Tier which starts in S DIEAGO


For the west coast route I used the Lonely Planet Cycling Guide- USA WEST COAST- ISBN 186450 3246. (unfortunately this is now out of print however amazon has second hand copies) I did this ride in two sections of 4 weeks. The first section from Vancouver

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

This is a blog in the making (Oct 09).The blog relates to an ambition to cycle down and across North America. The route choosen being from Vancouver in Canada to The Mexican Border near San Diego and then across America from San Diego to Yorktown in Virginia on the east coast. It is called the LastBikeRide because if I succeed in this ambition I propose to cycle up the east coast and then across America to Vancouver and so on! Its a simple philosophical approach by a retired babyboomer to have a continuous dream and therefore to die before completing the ambition. This ambitious dream gives rise to a healthy aging body and mind and a structure to retirement. for me 4 weeks cycling on my own in America is probally an my optimum time. Longer periods change the nature of the challenge miles per day dominate the mind the places passed through and there natural history become of secondary importance.The focus of the ride is the people met on the way and the Natural history